Název ISBN Sklad
Koudelka. Návraty 9788074372483 1
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Josef Koudelka KANT, Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze CZ 312 2018 24 cm 31 cm
1 950 Kč incl. VAT
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The book was published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Museum of Applied Arts in Prague for the author's 80th birthday and presents his lifelong work.

The publication is based on three hundred and fifty photographs, which are part of an extensive collection of works that the photographer has decided to dedicate to his homeland, and includes all significant cycles of Koudelka's work to date (Beginnings, Experiments, Theater, Gypsies, Invasion 68, Exiles, Panorama). The narrative publication, prepared by Josef Koudelka and Irena Šorfová, provides a comprehensive view of the life and work of Josef Koudelka in the Czech and English editions.

Editors of the publication: Josef Koudelka and Irena Šorfová

The texts were contributed to the publication by: Anna Fárová, Helena Koenigsmarková, Irena Šorfová, Stuart Alexander, Daniel Herman, Josef Chuchma, Jan Mlčoch, Josef Moucha, Tomáš Pospěch
Author Josef Koudelka
Publisher KANT, Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze
Language CZ
Pages 312
Published 2018
Width 24 cm
Height 31 cm