Název ISBN Sklad
Konec starých časů 9788073917593 7
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Vladislav Vančura Slovart CZ 288 2013 10,20 cm 15,70 cm
249 Kč incl. VAT
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One of Vančur's most artistically accomplished works is the novel The End of the Old Times. It is a series of loosely connected episodic stories filled with mischievous humour and biting irony, whose message is still relevant today. In it, Vančura uncovers general socio-political problems and through the central character of Prince Alexei Megalrogov - a modern incarnation of Baron Prášil - holds up a mirror to all the "new" plebeian rich, but not only to them, but also to us and to himself. It is a critique of the weaknesses of our modern way of life, its pettiness, its clinging to false certainties and material pleasures. To stand on the edge of the forest when the wind blows strong, to huddle in the oak trees, to dry out, to freeze, to wander, to starve, to have a good hope and to trust the world, this is Prince Alexei's motto.

Czech edition

Author Vladislav Vančura
Publisher Slovart
Language CZ
Pages 288
Published 2013
Width 10,20 cm
Height 15,70 cm