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Koleje jsou pevně přibité k vidění 9788088641056 2
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Luboš Svoboda RUBATO CZ 60 2024 10,10 cm 16 cm
160 Kč incl. VAT
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In the text Tracks are firmly nailed to the vision, Luboš Svoboda develops his concept of the imagination of digitality. On the basis of his experience of virtual reality, but also of the world to which he returns and whose transformations he records, he creates a unique poetic text with an essential linguistically experimental dimension, which is already indicated by the subtitle "reportage from the interface". On the one hand, the author analyses his experiences, thoughts and physiological reactions to his stay in virtual reality; on the other hand, he seeks his own way of expressing this complex experience, which in many ways exceeds everything that has been known to the human brain so far.

Czech edition

Author Luboš Svoboda
Publisher RUBATO
Language CZ
Pages 60
Published 2024
Width 10,10 cm
Height 16 cm