Název ISBN Sklad
Kniha vzpomínek a příběhů 9788071081647 1
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Květoslav Chvatík Atlantis CZ 184 2001 12,70 cm 20,60 cm
168 Kč incl. VAT
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On the bookmark of his Book of Memories, Květoslav Chvatík writes: "Even a theoretician, when he grows old, longs to write a text quite different from the ones he has written throughout his life. He would like to write something that would really please the readers, that they could read with pleasure, that would amuse them and perhaps even make them laugh. That's how this little book came about... The author does something he has never dared to do before, something he has always strictly forbidden himself: he tells about himself, about his loved ones, he tries to read and understand his life story from small pictures... Above all, he looks back on the people he grew up around and met on his life's journey through Czech culture; he looks back on them with love and gratitude for the good things they gave him..."

Czech edition

Author Květoslav Chvatík
Publisher Atlantis
Language CZ
Pages 184
Published 2001
Width 12,70 cm
Height 20,60 cm