Název ISBN Sklad
Klekání 9788090406186 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Francis Jammes Jiří Reynek Petrkov CZ 188 2010 12,30 cm 17,50 cm
229 Kč incl. VAT
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A selection of poems by Francis Jammes translated by Jiří Reynek.
Francois Jammes (2 December 1868 - 1 November 1938) - French poet and prose writer, one of the most important representatives of Christian-oriented literature of the 20th century.
A poet of strange tenderness, of fragile, breaking emotions, of bitter threads growing through life, breath, the rhythm of a heart slowly fading, he is also a poet on the pages of his books of prose. Not novels, rather masterful, restrained, every word weighing novels that are not just narratives.

Czech edition

Author Francis Jammes
Translator Jiří Reynek
Publisher Petrkov
Language CZ
Pages 188
Published 2010
Width 12,30 cm
Height 17,50 cm