Název ISBN Sklad
Kafkův přítel a jiné povídky 9788025703069 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Isaac Bashevis Singer Antonín Přidal, Lenka Sobotová Urbanová Argo CZ 302 2010 12,80 cm 20,60 cm
298 Kč incl. VAT
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A short story collection full of tales from the vanished Jewish communities of Central and Eastern Europe, in which the author returns to his childhood and youth and recalls the real characters and stories that were told about them. These include such gems of short prose as the short stories The Key, The Chimney Sweeper and Shomele.

Czech edition

Author Isaac Bashevis Singer
Translator Antonín Přidal, Lenka Sobotová Urbanová
Publisher Argo
Language CZ
Pages 302
Published 2010
Width 12,80 cm
Height 20,60 cm