Název ISBN Sklad
Já Tituba, černá čarodějnice ze Salemu 9788088411086 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Maryse Condéová Tomáš Havel Maraton CZ 224 2022 12,20 cm 19,50 cm
298 Kč incl. VAT
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Tituba is the surviving name from contemporary sources of a black slave girl from Barbados who found herself in 1692 in Salem, America. In the Puritan town, the colour of her skin strikes terror and mob hysteria culminates in the infamous witch trials. Guadeloupean writer Maryse Condé lets Tituba tell her story in an adventurous blend of fantasy and historical fabric.

Czech edition

Author Maryse Condéová
Translator Tomáš Havel
Publisher Maraton
Language CZ
Pages 224
Published 2022
Width 12,20 cm
Height 19,50 cm