Název ISBN Sklad
Já, chobotnice 9788075151568 2
Author Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Magdalena Rutová Magdalena Rutová Baobab CZ 36 2022 27,70 cm 37,70 cm
399 Kč incl. VAT
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Humans have turned the oceans and seas into a garbage can during their short existence on planet Earth. Fish and other marine animals have been feeding on microplastics instead of plankton for a long time now, and a museum of human invention is being built on the seabed. Fantastic objects - office chairs, vacuum cleaners, mobile phones, fishing nets, magazines and credit cards - catch the eye of the book's heroine, a wise octopus who admires the human world and longs to explore it. Humans must be amazing! And very strange, too, when they willingly dispose of so many incredible things they have managed to invent. The octopus is waiting for an opportunity to emerge from the depths of the dark ocean, where he fights for survival every day. She wants to venture out into the world and get to the bottom of all the mysteries of the human species. Taste the avocado spread. Go to a concert. And most of all, find out what true friendship is. The cheerful, vivacious and intelligent heroine displays extraordinary vitality despite the fact that many human actions remain a mystery to her. Understanding people is an almost superhuman task! And yet there are many great reasons to live among them.

English Edition

Author Magdalena Rutová
Ilustration Magdalena Rutová
Publisher Baobab
Language CZ
Pages 36
Published 2022
Width 27,70 cm
Height 37,70 cm