Název ISBN Sklad
Hostinec (Austeria) 9788085924657 2
Author Translator Language Pages Published Width Height
Julian Stryjkowski Olga Hostovská CZ 234 2011 13,50 cm 20,20 cm
270 Kč incl. VAT
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"I consider his Austeria to be a masterpiece, the best Polish book after the Second World War. If I were to compile a list of the best books from 1945 to the present day, I would put The Inn in first place. However, one can only write something like this once in a lifetime, all the trickles from everywhere flowing into a single, crystal clear spring. And the experienced writer knows that the miracle will never be repeated." These words were written in his diary on 10 August 1996, two days after Stryjkowski's death, by the writer and critic Gustaw Herling-Grudziński. Austeria is best known for its film adaptation directed by Jerzy Kawalerowicz. This is the first time that Stryjkowski's strange text, set on the eve of the First World War in an inn in Halych, has come into the hands of Czech readers.

Czech edition

Author Julian Stryjkowski
Translator Olga Hostovská
Language CZ
Pages 234
Published 2011
Width 13,50 cm
Height 20,20 cm