Název ISBN Sklad
Hikobae - 15 Views Beyond Iogi / comes out in October 2024 ISBN 978-80-909052-4-5 9
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height Publisher
Jean-Gaspard Páleníček, Václav Šlajch K-A-V-K-A CZ 264 2024 23 cm 17 cm K-A-V-K-A
415 Kč incl. VAT
Original price 490 Kč, Save 15% (75 Kč)
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Hikobae – 15 Views Beyond Iogi will come out in October 2024.
Pre-sale of the book for a discounted price is out now.

Hikobae is a book collection of comic works on the border between the genres of sociological comics and comics with a poetic value on the theme of everyday life in Japan. The project is a follow-up to the comic book Iogi (2022), in which the same team focused on ordinary life in Tokyo's Suginami district. Iogi was presented at related exhibitions in Japan and the Czech Republic and won several prestigious awards (a bronze medal in the Japan International Manga Award, the Muriel Award for Best Screenplay, and Art Award of the City of Pilsen).

In the loose sequel entitled Hikobae, each story focuses on a different region of Japan: from the northern island of Hokkaido to Shimane Prefecture in the southwest of the archipelago, from the mountain peaks of Gunma Prefecture to the seashore of Shikoku Island. The stories deal with the theme of everyday life, far from the stereotypical ideas of the Land of the Rising Sun. The key focus of the book is on the tradition and its transmission: some comics deal with contemporary forms of traditional Japanese crafts, customs or ceremonies (e.g. pottery, the tea ceremony, fishing, and the traditional saké bio-production).

Hikobae is a result of an exceptional collaboration between the author of the script, Jean-Gaspard Páleníček, who brings the perspective of his experience with life in Japan, and students of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen under the supervision of Václav Šlajch. The afterword was written by Pavel Kořínek, an acclaimed comic expert and researcher at the Centre for Comics Studies of the CAS.

Editors: Jean-Gaspard Páleníček, Václav Šlajch

Scripts: Jean-Gaspard Páleníček

Illustrators: Alyn Brabec, Max Hrstka, Kateřina Illnerová, Tomáš Klaus, Matěj Kolář, Johana Kubalová, Eliška Libovická, Dominika Lizoňová, Jozef Pavelka, Jaromír Pohanka, Ivan Rjabčenjuk, Jan Stěhule, Ljubov Šamaeva, Václav Šlajch, Thuy Tien Tranová, Barbora Voštinková, Adéla Záleská

Afterword: Pavel Kořínek

The book has been supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the State Culture Fund of the Czech Republic.

Author Jean-Gaspard Páleníček, Václav Šlajch
Publisher K-A-V-K-A
Language CZ
Pages 264
Published 2024
Width 23 cm
Height 17 cm
Publisher K-A-V-K-A