Název ISBN Sklad
Hebrejky (Biblické matky, démonky, královny i milenky) 9788090873506 2
Author Language Pages Published Width Height
Jan Fingerland CZ 312 2022 16,20 cm 23,10 cm
449 Kč incl. VAT
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Jan Fingerland's book is not just another narrative about the fates of biblical women. It seeks to do something else. It explores how these stories have been understood over the centuries by rabbis, Christian theologians or various sects whose interpretations have been suppressed or forgotten over time.

The author asks what modern disciplines such as anthropology, linguistics or psychoanalysis can add. What of the original content is hidden, or at least diluted, by modern translations. And how the stories of biblical women have been interpreted by artists, whether painters, filmmakers, or writers. In doing so, they come to surprising conclusions that in many ways run counter to commonly held interpretations.

The text of the book is documented by extensive pictorial material.

Czech edition 

Author Jan Fingerland
Language CZ
Pages 312
Published 2022
Width 16,20 cm
Height 23,10 cm