Název ISBN Sklad
Filosofické zkoumání svobody 9788072984152 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling Miroslav Petříček OIKOYMENH CZ 240 2010 14,20 cm 21,50 cm
298 Kč incl. VAT
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This selection of Schelling's writings from 1809-1834 presents both texts in which the eminent German thinker reassesses the foundations of German classical philosophy, including his own conception of the identity of thought and being, and those that point the way to his later thought, dedicated to positive philosophy. Both types are among the most interesting in the totality of his work precisely because they make the transition from classical philosophy of consciousness to post-Hegelian thought, in which F. W. J. Schelling occupies a very specific position precisely by emphasizing the limits of purely reflective philosophy.

Czech edition

Author Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Translator Miroslav Petříček
Language CZ
Pages 240
Published 2010
Width 14,20 cm
Height 21,50 cm