Název ISBN Sklad
Farářova dcera 9788025727102 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
George Orwell Kateřina Klabanová Argo CZ 230 2018 13,10 cm 20 cm
298 Kč incl. VAT
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Dorothy, the daughter of a widowed vicar, leads a poor but pious life - she resists the seductions of the local lecher, for the slightest sin, even a thought, she stabs herself with a pin. One day he wakes up on the street after eight days of memory loss and has to trudge along with the bums - picking hops, sleeping in hostels, eventually ending up in prison for vagrancy. Will she manage to escape the slanted surface? Will she accept the offer of a tramp who lends her a helping hand? Will her inner compass find a lost direction?
Orwell's second, partly experimental novel vividly illuminates the realities of interwar England - the poverty, debt, unemployment and hunger that ordinary people had to cope with on a daily basis. It also asks difficult questions about human destiny and the meaning of earthly life - can one overcome eternal hardship and injustice through faith?

Czech edition

Author George Orwell
Translator Kateřina Klabanová
Publisher Argo
Language CZ
Pages 230
Published 2018
Width 13,10 cm
Height 20 cm