Název ISBN Sklad
Élegie/Elegie 1912 - 1920 9788090406247 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Georges Duhamel Zdeněk Hron, Pavel Sukdolák Petrkov CZ 109 2011 11,90 cm 17,40 cm
198 Kč incl. VAT
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Czech-French edition of Georges Duhamel's collection of poems Elegies translated by Zdeněk Hron. The first translation of this book of poems contains the complete section of Elegies and two of the four final Ballads.

Czech-French edition

Author Georges Duhamel
Translator Zdeněk Hron, Pavel Sukdolák
Publisher Petrkov
Language CZ
Pages 109
Published 2011
Width 11,90 cm
Height 17,40 cm