Název ISBN Sklad
Dívky bez prostředků 9788090777156 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Muriel Sparková Martin Pokorný Maraton CZ 160 2021 12,20 cm 19,50 cm
228 Kč incl. VAT
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In the novel, the author draws on her repeated stays in Edinburgh's Helena Club women's boarding house, which she was forced to do due to lack of funds. The prose depicts the struggle of a group of young women to secure an independent existence and to navigate their new world - and in doing so, Spark tackles weighty themes of morality, religion and poetry in the form of social comedy, demonstrating a peculiar economy of phrasing, an art of discreet suggestion and a sense of wit and tragedy devoid of sentimentality or pathos.

Czech edition

Author Muriel Sparková
Translator Martin Pokorný
Publisher Maraton
Language CZ
Pages 160
Published 2021
Width 12,20 cm
Height 19,50 cm