Název ISBN Sklad
Dívej, ulice 9788075151704 2
Author Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Michaela Kukovičová Michaela Kukovičová Baobab CZ 24 2024 30,50 cm 29,50 cm
299 Kč incl. VAT
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Some people walk down their street with their nose in the pavement or on their phone, others look up at the sky or are in too much of a hurry. Few can really look. But Mrs. Cook, she keeps her eyes wide open and doesn't miss a thing. She loves shop windows, those windows into the world of big and small shops, stores and trades where life is lived, and she never tires of looking. For there is always something new - or old - in the shop window, but also on the pavement in front of it and behind it inside, that one hasn't noticed. There are shop windows and shops that don't change and dust sits on them, while in others you often see the owner with a rag and a new set of decorations, there are shop windows and shops that attract you in and you always have to stop by, there are shop windows that are funny and boring, just like their owners.

Czech Edition

Author Michaela Kukovičová
Ilustration Michaela Kukovičová
Publisher Baobab
Language CZ
Pages 24
Published 2024
Width 30,50 cm
Height 29,50 cm