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Author Translator Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
George Orwell Petra Martínková Jaroslav Róna Argo CZ 320 2015 16,60 cm 23,70 cm
398 Kč incl. VAT
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New edition with illustrations by Jaroslav Róna.

When George Orwell published his dystopian novel Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Four in 1949, not only English but also world literature was gifted with a work of extraordinary intellectual vision. In 1984, British society lives under the bulletproof rule of the all-powerful Party; the protagonist, Winston Smith, staggers in general misery and resorts to only one form of resistance: keeping a secret subversive diary. His hope for change comes when he meets the young, rebellious Julia - at first they both only dream of fighting the system, but eventually pluck up the courage to join the shadowy resistance movement.

George Orwell accurately and incisively describes the manipulation, spiking, physical torture and psychological terror inherent in all totalitarian regimes. On a personal level, however, he also touches on more visceral themes such as love, trust and betrayal, and on an abstract level he asks philosophical questions about the nature and knowledge of the world.
The novel Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Four is published in a new translation by Petra Martínková.

Czech edition

Author George Orwell
Translator Petra Martínková
Ilustration Jaroslav Róna
Publisher Argo
Language CZ
Pages 320
Published 2015
Width 16,60 cm
Height 23,70 cm