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Chci psa a je mi fuk, co bude zač 9788075151728 3
Author Translator Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Kitty Crowther Tereza Horváthová Kitty Crowther Baobab CZ 56 2024 21,60 cm 26,10 cm
330 Kč incl. VAT
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Wanting to own something and have it all to yourself, preferably something small, furry, cute or beautiful, is an age-old dream of all children. But for some, it doesn't come true. Maybe because parents know well that having an animal is not just for the sake of it. Milka also wishes for a dog. Whatever it is. Mostly because all the girls at school have one. And I'm sure it's so she won't be so lonely... But when she gets her dream dog, everyone laughs at her. He's just an ordinary dude. Can Milka stand by her beloved Prince, even when everyone is looking down on him? And can something rare be hidden behind something seemingly ordinary? A book for little ones about what true love means, from Andersen Award-winning author Kitty Crowter, who has an unmistakable way and verve of touching on the most important themes in a person's life and presenting them to children so that they know which side to stand on.

Czech edition

Author Kitty Crowther
Translator Tereza Horváthová
Ilustration Kitty Crowther
Publisher Baobab
Language CZ
Pages 56
Published 2024
Width 21,60 cm
Height 26,10 cm