Název ISBN Sklad
Charmidés, Lachés, Lysis, Theagés 9788072983575 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Platón František Novotný OIKOYMENH CZ 152 2019 13 cm 20,10 cm
178 Kč incl. VAT
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The Charmides (Gr. Χαρμίδης) is a dialogue by Plato in which Socrates discusses the sophrosyne with a beautiful and popular boy. This Greek word is commonly translated as moderation, self-control, or restraint. The greater part of Plato's dialogue Lysis is an attempt to point out the various features of amiability.

English edition

Author Platón
Translator František Novotný
Language CZ
Pages 152
Published 2019
Width 13 cm
Height 20,10 cm