Název ISBN Sklad
Cesty na Sibiř 9788087037393 2
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Martin Ryšavý Revolver Revue CZ 616 2011 17,50 cm 24,70 cm
520 Kč incl. VAT
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The hero of Journeys to Siberia is a young man who longs to become "a man with qualities"; he therefore abandons his scientific career and family life and embarks on a distant journey, in whose seemingly chaotic trajectory he slowly recognises the logic of a deeper order. Martin Ryšavý presents his hero's tortuously winding life journey in a matter-of-fact, at first glance ineffectively "traditional" style, which is in fact a sophisticated fictional composition bound together by a purposefully artificial language. Journeys to Siberia can thus be seen as a developmental novel in which the style and genre of the narrative itself becomes the "shaped subject": the book, which can be read as a travelogue, a love story, or even a documentary about contemporary living conditions in the Russian Far East, becomes in its entirety a "classic" novel composition about the meaning of man's longing to achieve spiritual certainties.

Czech edition

Author Martin Ryšavý
Publisher Revolver Revue
Language CZ
Pages 616
Published 2011
Width 17,50 cm
Height 24,70 cm