Název ISBN Sklad
Čekárny mého života 9788085935844 4
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Lenka Reinerová Olga Walló Labyrint CZ 96 2007 13 cm 19,80 cm
185 Kč incl. VAT
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Very personal prose, published on the occasion of Lenka Reiner's 91st birthday. From the manuscript of the German original Das Geheimnis der nächsten Minuten translated by Olga Walló. The book is accompanied by twenty black and white photographs of intimate corners of the author's Prague apartment.

Czech edition

Author Lenka Reinerová
Translator Olga Walló
Publisher Labyrint
Language CZ
Pages 96
Published 2007
Width 13 cm
Height 19,80 cm