Název ISBN Sklad
Bože, chraň aspidistru 9788025727348 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
George Orwell Zuzana Šťastná Argo CZ 296 2019 13,20 cm 20 cm
298 Kč incl. VAT
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Orwell's psycho-social novel, criticizing mammon and the domination of money in interwar English society.
Gordon Comstock is a young writer who despises the "god of money" and his domination of all of interwar English society. He therefore turns down a job in an advertising agency and takes a job in a small bookshop. As a result, however, he feels that his girlfriend Rosemary despises him precisely because he has given up worldly goods.
God Save the Aspidistra is a psycho-social novel in which Orwell aptly portrays the groping of a young, confused idealist in a society driven by the desire for profit. With dry humour, he describes the foolish behaviour of his characters while refusing to provide easy answers to their complex personal dilemmas.

Czech edition

Author George Orwell
Translator Zuzana Šťastná
Publisher Argo
Language CZ
Pages 296
Published 2019
Width 13,20 cm
Height 20 cm