Název ISBN Sklad
Akrostichy 9788072872015 2
Author Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Ivan Martin Jirous Libor Krejcar Maťa CZ 120 2015 11 cm 14,70 cm
249 Kč incl. VAT
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The last collection from the estate of the poet and spiritual leader of the underground. Organized and written by Martin Machovec.

The IMJ has probably been thinking about a poetry collection consisting only of acrostics, i.e. texts written in a nowadays archaic and rarely used form, since the early 1990s. In Jirous's literary estate there are several collections of such texts in various stages of preparation for publication, with the oldest texts dating back to 1990, but in the collections compiled and published by the author since that year there are only two isolated acrostics: one in Wydrzie Mediocri and the other in Magor's Vanitas. The others were to be published separately in time in a separate collection.

The Czech edition

Author Ivan Martin Jirous
Ilustration Libor Krejcar
Publisher Maťa
Language CZ
Pages 120
Published 2015
Width 11 cm
Height 14,70 cm