Název ISBN Sklad
Adresát Milena Jesenská 9788072154814 0
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Jana Černá TORST CZ 192 2014 11,70 cm 19,60 cm
150 Kč incl. VAT
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On the seventieth anniversary of Milena Jesenská's death, the third Czech edition of the book by her daughter, poet and prose writer Jana Černá, née Krejcarová, is published. The book tells in a gripping way the life story of the outstanding Czech journalist, friend of Franz Kafka, left-wing intellectual and brave fighter against Nazism, but it is above all an outstanding Czech prose, containing many unique and accurate observations about people and human nature, about life in pre-war Czechoslovakia and about human destiny in general. Jana Černá emerges in the book as a sovereign and incisive storyteller with an exceptionally sharp and precise observation. The book is accompanied by a unique pictorial section, a rich documentary appendix, a name index and an editorial note.

Czech edition

Author Jana Černá
Publisher TORST
Language CZ
Pages 192
Published 2014
Width 11,70 cm
Height 19,60 cm